Names are powerful things. Sometimes they come with concrete meaning of their own, but many times we are able to assign meaning and substance to them. "Papillon" is French for "butterfly." But when you hear the name Papillon, I want you to think of more than a simple winged insect floating about. I want you to feel the excitement of a child as they spot one of those beautiful creatures on a warm summer day. I want you to remember the anticipation and sensations of new love. I want you to dream of taking flight and immersing yourself in the colors and sweet fragrances of life's garden.
Life is a beautiful thing and love gives life its meaning. If I can offer a glimpse of that for you to treasure, from my perspective, then I'll be satisfied.
Live in Love,
}:{ keda }:{
Papillon - perspectives of life & love
"photography for lovers of life"
Immerse yourself in the colors & fragrances of life's garden. |