I had a dream last night. No, I'm not going to tell you about more random craziness like I did last time. But last night...I dreamed. I can't remember most of it, which doesn't surprise me, but the one thing that keeps replaying itself over and over is this: "5000 miles at the sound of my voice."
"The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences" (Proverbs 18:21).
How many times have you been disappointed in yourself and literally voiced your negative opinion to no one in particular? I can recall times (uh, how about last week?) that I have done something a bit less than perfect and before I could blink something like "you're so stupid" came flying out of my mouth. Can you relate? What I failed to realize in that moment is that my negative words to myself will only breed more negativity, whether that be in deeds, emotions or resulting circumstances.
If my words are so powerful that they can bring about life or death, good or bad - and I will "reap the consequences," why not make it my business to speak good things? The way I see it, whether I'm having a good day or not, I have unlimited potential. But if I'm so caught up in my imperfections that I can't see past them, how will I ever tap into that potential to reach and surpass my ideal?
Today, my realization is this:
I can go farther than I imagined if I dare to dream it,
and dare to speak it.
"5000 miles at the sound of my voice."
I can be better than I ever thought I could if I dare to dream it,
and dare to speak it.
"5000 miles at the sound of my voice."
I can achieve more than I thought possible if I dare to dream it,
and dare to speak it.
"5000 miles at the sound of my voice."
I can. I will. I am.
Five thousand miles is that thing in your head, in your heart that seems so impossible for you to achieve that you just shove it to the back of your mind. It's a heart desire that you dare not linger on too long because the thought of it becoming a reality is simply too wonderful. Your five-thousand miles may look different than mine, but I know your heart has one. I dare you to give voice to your dreams and see what happens. I DARE YOU.
I double-dog dare you (ooooooooh!). Let's see where our dreams and our voices take us.
Live in Love,
Care to share what your "5000 miles" is? I would love to hear from you!