everything changed.
My world no longer revolved around my own desires,
every decision now made with you in mind.
This love of mine has expanded beyond possible limits.
Life is much more beautiful with you in it.
I am a mother.
But now that you are older, I recall that
I am more.
I am a woman,
full of beauty
and strength
and dreams
and fire
And I must grip tightly
these things that fill me
so that you can bear witness
and reflect them back to me
Bigger, and better, and brighter
than I ever dared.
I am a mother.
And I am more.
Thank you to my beautiful clients, Tomika & her daughter Tori for sharing their relationship with me. I love watching the dynamics between mothers and daughters of any age. The laughter, the playfulness, the beneath-the-surface tension that arises as daughters approach their own womanhood, the understanding that blooms once daughters become mothers in their own right - it is all beautiful to me. There is no more lasting way to capture these moments, than through photographs. And I am honored to be a part of the process. Honor your motherhood. Recapture the joy of your womanhood. Create treasures to hold right now, that can be passed on to generations to come, later. Celebrate Mother's Day with Papillon!
Live in Love,
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