Have you ever awoken from a dream confused about what in the world is going on in your head? Well, that was me yesterday. I guess I'm so preoccupied with certain pieces of my life that they seep into my subconscious in the most random ways imaginable. Case in point: last night's dream. Follow me down the rabbit hole, if you will...
I had a photo shoot scheduled with Beyonce & Kelly Rowland (please don't ask, I told you it was crazy) where we would all take turns taking photos of each other. [Obvious photography connection] Instead of driving, I decided to run to the studio. [Connection: my lack of a car + my recent efforts to get back in shape] I ran faster and farther than I thought possible. Once I arrived at the location, I realized I didn't have the dress I was supposed to wear for my turn in front of the camera, so I called my Mom to see if she could bring it to me. [Connection: my Mom loves me enough to pause her life to come and save mine.] When I'm changing, I notice that I have THE most AWESOME lady-six-pack known to man - like the kind I had in high school, people! [Connection: fitness kick, again]
Finally, I'm ready to photograph Beyonce, but we're losing light fast. I see the shot I want in my mind, but for some reason it's not working according to plan. Next thing you know, in walks Stephen Colbert, who moves me aside to show the crowd of 20-something people how it's done (hey, where did they come from?). [Connection: I watch waaay too much
Colbert Report - that guy is hilarious!] So Stephen (may I call you Stephen, sir?) pirates my shot and takes so much time doing it that we've now lost all light. Now, here comes
[b]ecker (a wonderful, and pretty popular photographer) who gives a speech to everyone & no one in particular about how rude it is to take over another photographer's shoot like Stephen did. After he concludes his speech, I quietly turn to him and let him know that he's not one that should be giving speeches because apparently, he did the same thing to me. WHAT?!?
To add to the crazy randomness, I swear I saw Val Kilmer in the crowd, and somewhere in the middle of all the nonsense, somebody straightened 1/2 of my hair without me noticing. [Connection: my transition to hair sans chemicals]
What do I have to say about all of this, you ask? One word: Weird.
Now that you've experienced a bit of the inner workings of my subconscious...leave a comment & tell me, what was the weirdest dream you ever had?
On a serious note, though, the one thing I can take from all of the craziness is this: No matter how "out there" people may think your dreams are, never stop dreaming.
Live in Love,
}:{ Keda }:{
4 months into my Natural Journey |